2月28日,吉卜力公园向媒体公开了新区域“魔女之谷”。该区域以电影《魔女宅急便》和《哈尔的移动城堡》的场景为蓝本,将于3月16日开业。继已开放 “吉卜力的大仓库”等3个区域,以及2023年11月开业的“幽灵故里”之后,吉卜力公园的5个区域即将全部开放。 Ghibli Park unveiled new area Witch's Valley to the media on 28 February. The zone, based on scenes from films Kiki's Delivery Service and Howl's Moving Castle, will open on 16 March. Following the opening of three areas including "Ghibli's Warehouse" in November 2022, and the opening of "Ghost Home" in November 2023, all five areas of Ghibli Park will soon be open.